If you and a friend want to code and decode messages to each other so you can be cool without actually learning morse code, then download this application. Youll love it.
But if you were actually hoping to learn how to send and receive morse messages in a real life situation where all you had was a telegram phone, or if you wanted to be able to talk to someone without anyone else in the room understanding you, this application is useless.
The game is poorly designed and you cant actually play it. They expect you to be able to go 12 ms per unit right from the get go, and even if you could, the digital telegram phone doesnt actually respond. You press it and it makes the sound like half a second later. Then it tells you that you morsed a T or an E and instead of letting you try again immediately, you have to press TRY AGAIN every time.
davidshorten about Learn Morse Code, v1.3